
Everything You Need to Know About NEMT Dispatch Software

Everything You Need to Know About NEMT Dispatch Software
01/23/2023 Last updated on May 14, 2024 5 min read 3 / 5 ( 5 votes )
Everything you need to know about NEMT dispatch software

Providers have found that running a business with a manual trip planning process simply isn’t cutting it anymore. Planning every trip by hand can take half a day or more, depending on the number of trips in the queue, and schedules can’t be optimized if providers don’t get the full picture while planning. Additionally, manual planning can become rushed and in turn, result in scheduling, routing, and even billing errors. This is obviously not ideal for a growing business, which is why so many providers are ditching manual efforts for a reliable, automated solution. If you’re someone who’s ready to make the switch to dispatch software, here’s everything you need to know. 

A Brief Overview of the NEMT Industry

Non-emergency medical transportation is a rapidly growing industry, and it’s showing no sign of slowing down anytime soon. In an article published in April 2021, a study found that the industry is expected to grow at a rate of 6.5% per year for the next 5 years. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic mildly slowing business down, NEMT providers don’t typically have to worry about trip opportunities tapering off. People will always need a way to get to and from their healthcare appointments, and even with the rise of telehealth, certain appointments can’t be done over the phone. If you want to be successful in this crucial industry, investing in dispatch software is your ticket to the top. 

The Benefits of NEMT Dispatch Software

NEMT providers invest in software for various reasons. Some may want to run a fully automated business, and others might be looking for a way to save time throughout the process. NEMT software can achieve these goals and so much more. 

On-Time Pick UPS and Drop Offs

Your passengers have to get to their appointments on time—otherwise, they run the risk of paying late fees or missing the appointment altogether. Software pinpoints the best pick-up and drop-off windows for every trip based on the distance from home base to the pick-up point, and the distance from the pick-up point to the drop-off location. Software enables passengers to get to appointments on time and without error. 

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction should be a top priority. If your customers aren’t happy, you’ll eventually lose clients and money. Unhappy customers create a snowball effect that you don’t want to have to deal with. Here’s a little secret: if you’re running your business properly and putting forth effort to better your services regularly, keeping customers happy isn’t difficult. Software makes sure your customers’ trips are scheduled efficiently, gives them a simple way to communicate with you, and ultimately makes your company look more professional. 

Scalability in an Ever Changing World

The Covid-19 pandemic is proof that we can’t plan for tomorrow. As an NEMT provider, you need to be prepared for every change that comes your way—this includes a drastic change in trips, new competitors in the area, and healthcare trends that impact the way you work. Software can easily be customized and improved to combat any new challenges your company faces. 

Improved Productivity Across the Board

You should never stop working to improve your productivity. These problems usually stem from lack of resources, poor communication, or something else within the organization. NEMT dispatch software keeps your team on track and reduces the amount of time spent on planning trips. Every member of your team, from dispatchers and billers to drivers and HR employees, will spend less time completing their daily tasks with an automated solution. 

Real-Time Updates

If a driver is en route but a better route is found, the driver app will update in real time to send the driver on the faster route. Likewise, if a multiload opportunity is identified, dispatchers will send the trip request to the driver. Once they accept the trip, the pickup is added to their route. 

Route Optimization

An inefficient route won’t just impact the trip at hand—it could set back the rest of your day’s trips, too. Dispatch and routing software finds the fastest routes, taking into account traffic, accidents, driver ease, and multiple pickup points. Your drivers may think they know the best routes, but routing software knows better. Improved routing equals a better trip outcome overall. 

Error-Free Billing

Error-free billing

Billing errors set you back. That’s why NEMT billing software works to eliminate them completely. When you use NEMT billing software, every claim is checked for incorrect data before it’s sent to the payer. This way, you don’t face setbacks with rejected or denied claims, and you get what you’re owed faster than ever before. Whether you’re billing through Medicaid or working with private pay clients, billing software makes the payment process a seamless one. 

Better Billing is Just a Demo Away

Your business is missing something. Cloud-based medical billing software will change everything about your business, from the way you collaborate and plan to how you bill. Don’t continue hurting your business with unreliable software. Switch to a platform you can trust, and see the difference modern software makes. Book your free Claimgenix demo today to see Claimgenix in action.

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