Getting passengers from point A to point B is your main duty, but it’s only a small part of running an NEMT business. As you continue to grow and work with more clients regularly, there are a number of behind-the-scenes strategies you should figure out. One big opportunity you should implement into your scheduling as soon as possible is multiloading. We took a look at what this is, how you should make it part of your daily operations, and why it helps your business.
What is Multiloading in NEMT?
Multiloading is a transportation method where NEMT providers pick-up and drop-off more than one passenger at a time on a similar route. Multiload trips can either be planned ahead of time or on the fly, especially when the company is using reliable NEMT software to manage their trips. In either case, the software system assesses each route and looks for multiload opportunities at the time of scheduling. If it’s possible to pick up multiple people on one route, the system will schedule the trip as such. If there aren’t any at the time of scheduling, the software system will search in real time when the vehicle hits the road. It’s important to keep in mind that in order for multiload trips to work, the time parameters must align so no one is late to their appointment.
Mulitloading isn’t Always Possible
While multiloading is an ideal strategy that you should absolutely incorporate into your scheduling and routing techniques, it’s also important to understand that it isn’t always possible. This can be the case for a few different reasons. Some states simply don’t allow multiloading, which takes the option off the table entirely. Every state’s Medicaid rules vary slightly from the next, which means it’s important to become familiar with your state’s laws when you start your business. Another reason multiloading might not be an option is because the passenger you’re transporting has specifically asked not to travel with certain people or even any people. Finally, if you’re transporting someone in a wheelchair or stretcher, you typically won’t multiload due to capacity and safety concerns. So while multiloading is a great strategy for your business, it won’t work out for every trip, and that’s okay.
Cut Costs and Save Time
Multiloading isn’t just a way to encourage socialization among passengers—it’s an incredibly useful business tactic. Incorporating multiload trips into your daily schedules does two huge things for your business: it saves you time and money. Multiloading saves you time by completing two or more trips at a time. Rather than returning to home base after one trip, only to head out 20 minutes later for another, multiloading keeps your drivers on the road for as much time as possible throughout the day. It also saves you cash in a number of areas. First of all, fewer vehicles on the road means less money spent on fuel, maintenance, and drivers. If you have fewer drivers, your insurance costs go down. If your insurance costs go down, you have more money to invest into other areas of your business. Multiloading doesn’t just impact the trip at hand—its impact extends across your entire business for improvements in all areas.
Additional Business Tactics to Consider
Multiloading is an important facet of your business, but how else can you set your company apart from others? If you don’t already use non-emergency medical transportation billing software at your business, it’s time to start looking for a system that suits your needs.
The Benefits of NEMT Software
NEMT software is an automated solution that changes the way providers run their business. Whether it’s scheduling and routing trips or creating and submitting claims for billing, software allows providers to get the job done faster and more accurately. We broke down exactly how software improves each aspect of your NEMT business.
Improper scheduling can be an absolute nightmare to deal with. If you thought it was difficult to build a schedule from scratch, it’s going to be even tougher repairing an already butchered schedule under a limited time constraint. Don’t worry, NEMT software builds perfect schedules the first time around, so when it’s time to hit the road, your drivers have the day’s schedule at their fingertips.
The best route from the pick-up point to the drop-off location isn’t always the most obvious one. Of course, how would you know that off the top of your head? Your drivers don’t have time to sort through routing options for every trip before they hit the road, so an automated NEMT routing system does it for them by building the fastest, most efficient routes for each ride while considering multiload opportunities.
You want to make sure you get every penny you’re owed. With manual billing, there’s no guarantee you’ll submit a claim without error, or even that you’ll get paid on time. Automated billing changes that by checking for errors in every claim and ensuring you’re paid the right amount on time.
Your dispatchers are the behind-the-scenes experts who make magic happen on the road. Dispatchers can watch a trip unfold in real time and make adjustments if a better route comes up. Additionally, they watch for multiload opportunities, adding on extra passengers if the route and timing lines up.
Your Free Demo is Waiting
Committing to a new investment like billing software can be intimidating. That’s why we always offer free demos of our insurance billing software, so you have the chance to see our product in action and ask any questions you may have. We’d love to book a time to chat with you. Sign up for your free Claimgenix demo today!